Got (Technical) Skills? Why Even You Need to Know HTML & More


If you had asked me in college if I’d ever need to use technical skills in my future career I simply would have laughed. As a communications major I figured my career path would be filled with social media, press releases, marketing materials, and Excel spreadsheets. How narrow-minded I was. Fast-forward years later, and just this week I somehow managed to break a page on our website and needed to teach myself basic HTML to fix it.

Of course, if you’re planning on working in the world of technology, tech skills are a necessity. However, there are some technical skills that can help you in other fields as well – maybe even the field you’re currently in or planning on working in. Business Insider and Computer World both wrote about the best tech skills that will get you hired. Here is Ploymint’s list of the top ten technical career skills it pays to have.

  1. Java
    According to TIOBE software, Java is the most popular programming language and has become a popular choice for writing apps. Because of this, a background in this language is desired for many employers. Android apps, for instance, are mostly written in Java.
  1. Programming & Application Development
    IT departments are more likely to have openings for developers and programmers than for any other position. Why’s that? Companies want to bring their apps and web presence to the next level. This requires not only the skills, but also the drive and dedication to do so.
  1. Database Management
    It’s becoming more common on a job description to see “preferred experience: database management” as businesses use databases for a plethora of reasons. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is the traditional database and is used by well-known database platforms such as Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM. Whether you’re hosting business apps, donor information, or research, you’ll be using a database in your work.
  1. Big Data
    A simple term referring to a new software that analyzes large volumes of data, Big Data handles vast amounts of information ranging from e-mails to documents to tweets and much more. Analytics and in-memory databases are just a couple of the technologies that make up big data.
  1. Web Development
    Can you think of a company that doesn’t have a website? If you can, please let me know. Companies big and small benefit from a web developer, however according to recruiter Matt Leighon of Mondo, this expertise is not easy to find.
  1. Data Scientist
    Previously known as a data analyst, this job is found in marketing, tech, business, and more. Since this position consists of going through data in order to retrieve meaningful information and numbers, all companies benefit from hiring candidates with this expertise.
  1. Mobile Applications and Device Management
    Over 75% of Americans aged 18 and up access the Internet on both mobile devices and desktops, with 21% using only mobile devices. Having a solid mobile presence is going to become even more vital as will the demand for employees with these skills.
  1. Data Architect
    Data architects are those that design the IT systems used to store data. Furthermore, these people are responsible for figuring out which data is important to keep, for how long, and all of the places where it should be stored. Any company that works with data benefits from hiring data architects.
  1. Security/Compliance Government
    According to board members and executives, they are willing to spend more money on privacy and security. In 2014, security was ranked 7th as an important IT investment. With the recent privacy hacks from huge companies such as Sony and Target, security has become an even bigger concern.
  1. Help Desk/Technical Support
    You may be rolling your eyes while reading that but there’s a growing need for this position. Not everyone is tech savvy; people will need help with their devices and that’s where you can step in and save the day. Especially with the rise of companies who have a bring-your-own-device program, technical support is necessary.

These technical skills are beneficial both if you’re planning a career in the tech industry, or not. Companies everywhere are in need of IT support in some capacity; 24% of those asked by Computer World said that their companies will be hiring more IT employees in the upcoming year. These ten technical career skills will get you hired and paid. Enhance these skills be attending these top tech conferences, and you’ll be all set.


About Author

Michelle is a proud Fordham alum who has currently found herself in the midst of the nonprofit world doing all social media and event planning for The Parent-Child Home Program. When she is not glued to twitter, you can find her on her third iced coffee of the day, arguing about sports, or pretending she's in Greece.

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